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맨날 혼내주셨으면 좋겠다

I wish she'd scold you all the time

맨날 혼내주셨으면 좋겠다


창섭은 오 분도 핸드폰 없이 못 산다. 일훈은 창섭의 어머니가 맨날 맨날 창섭을 혼내주셨으면 좋겠다고. 왜냐 그래서 재미있는 혼난 얘기 멤버들 들을 수 있으니까.

Changsub can't live without his phone for even five minutes. Ilhoon says he wishes Changsub would get scolded by his mom all the time. It's because then he could tell the other BTOB members his anecdotes about getting scolded all the time.



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