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Main Dancer Line

돌려 돌려 돌림판

Disappointed Peniel
프니엘은 멤버들 놀래주려고 하는데 결국 실패하고 실망한다.
Peniel tries to startle the other members but fails and is very disappointed about it.
Massage massage massage
Versace 들어서 마사지로 바뀜. 아오 신나. ft. 성재 타코.
They're listening to Versace but change it to massage. Lots of energy. Ft. Sungjae not knowing some lyrics and just saying "taco."
Hyunsik's English practice
현식은 프니랑 짧게 영어 대화하고 나름 잘 된다.
Hyunsik speaks English with Peniel and does pretty well.
Double fans
손풍기 2개 합치면 더 강하대.
Apparently if you use two fans it's stronger.
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