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영어 타임: 넷플릭스

English time: Netflix

영어 타임: 넷플릭스


성재 또 프니 쌤이랑 영어 대화 연습함. 이번에는 프니의 치아가 왜 이렇게 크냐고 (답: 유전), 그리고 넷플릭스에 뭘 봤냐고. 그리고 프니가 "Arrow"를 봤다고 해서 성재는 조금 오해하고 당황스럽지만 잘 넘어감.

Sungjae practices his English with teacher Peniel again. He asks why Peniel's teeth are so big (answer: genetics) and also what he watched on Netflix. Peniel says he watched Arrow, which flusters Sungjae a bit (cause it sounds dirty in Korean) but he handles it okay.



why your tooth too big
so big why is your teeth so big
genetics 유전
you saw the netflix yesterday
what genres you saw that
what genres did i watch
what genre you did watch
did you watch
did you watch in netflix
i saw fantasy science fiction
that's american drama
yeah it's called arrow
not rated r

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