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Howon Line

호원대 2인 동창회

Changsub is not used to compliments
창섭의 말에 의하면 실용음악에서 절대 따라 하면 안 되는 가수가 이은미와 루더 밴드로스다. 이창섭도 따라 하면 안 된다고 이창섭이라서 된 거라고 동생의 칭찬에 매우 부끄러운 창섭.
Changsub talks about how in university music departments the singers you should never try to imitate are Lee Eun-Mee and Luther Vandross. But he's surprised and bashful when the younger members start giving him rare compliments, saying he's also a singer that can't be imitated, and he made it because he's Lee Changsub.
Changsub's pretty face, Eunkwang swallows confetti
사전 녹화 모니터한다. 창섭은 의상이 예쁘다고 한다. 그래서 현식은 창섭이 형이 예쁘다고 한다. 믿기 어려운 식 칭찬. 은광은 아직 꽃가루 먹으니까 혼난다.
After the pre-recording, they monitor their performance. Changsub says their outfits look nice. So Hyunsik says Changsub's face looks nice. (Changsub doesn't quite believe him at first.) Eunkwang is still accidentally swallowing confetti. So he gets scolded.
Heaven and hell
창섭은 현식한테 당한다. 현식의 엄지 손가락, 창섭의 엉덩이. 천국과 지옥.
Hyunsik puts his thumb on the sofa and Changsub sits on it.
I'm the strongest!
창섭은 아직 고지전의 악어 부대에 꽂힌다. 이번에는 현식이 대답해 준다. 누가 가장 강한가? 현식이 제일 강합니다! (힘현식이니까 또 일 리가 있네...) (Ft. 연애의 온도)
Changsub is still into quoting the crocodile speech from the movie The Front Line. This time Hyunsik responds to the questions in the speech. Who's the strongest? Hyunsik is the strongest! (Which, since he's Hyunsik, is probably true.) (Also featuring lines from the movie Very Ordinary Couple.)
Hyunsik has vocal chords of stone
현식도 겟세마네 마지막 부분 도전함. 특징: 길게 함. 멤버 감탄. 창섭 오디션 보자고.
Hyunsik also tries his hand at the last part of Gethsemane. He holds the note for a long time. The other members are impressed. Changsub says they should try auditioning for JCS.
Changsub and Hyunsik and a baby
창섭은 아기 발견. 창섭 품에 아기가 있다. 현식도 같이 눈에서 꿀 떨어진다.
Changsub finds a baby in the crowd. He holds the baby. Hyunsik comes and admires the baby, too.
Changsub gets rejected
창섭은 팬처럼 현식한테 접근한다. 현식은 정색한다.
Changsub approaches Hyunsik like a fan. Hyunsik says he's no fun.
Music teacher Hyunsik
무비 일번어 버전 창섭과 은광 연습한다. 어떤 고음이 조금 거슬린다. 현식은 조언하고 정말 안정하게 부른다.
Changsub and Eunkwang practice the Japanese version of Movie. They're a bit stuck at a part with a high note. Hyunsik gives advice and then does it himself, extremely stably.
BTOB are tutors
비투비 서로 과외 거래한다. 현식은 보컬 + 개그 담당. 성재랑 프니는 서로 언어 가르쳐 줄 건데 성재는 영어 담당이고 프니는 중국어 알려 줌. 창섭은 해 줄 거 없으니까 그냥 돈으로 해야 됨.
BTOB offers to tutor each other. Hyunsik is in charge of vocal and being funny. Peniel and Sungjae are going to teach each other languages; Sungjae will teach English, and Peniel will teach Chinese. Changsub asks if he can teach something to or do something for Hyunsik in exchange for the comedy lessons, but Hyunsik says he's got nothing.
Sharing college entrance stories
현식의 호원대 붙은 얘기. 창섭: 기승전 네 자랑. 창섭은 입시 본 날 제일 노래 잘했대. 은광이 입시 본 날 제일 못했대.
Hyunsik talks about the songs he sang and how well he did during his entrance exam performance for Howon University. The professors usually cut people off but he got to sing the whole first section. Changsub says he's just bragging. Changsub says the day he did his entrance exam performance was the best he's sung in his entire life. Sungjae points out that the day Eunkwang did his was the worst he's sung.
Changsub (and then Hyunsik) sings In The Rain
창섭은 비속에서 부르기 시작하는데 현식이가 밖으로 밀어서 뒷부분 부른다.
Changsub starts singing In the Rain, but then Hyunsik pushes him out of the way and sings the rest.
You've worked hard, Changsub
공연 전에 고생 많았다는 창섭. 성재한테 존경스럽냐고 묻더니 아니라고 단호하게 답한다. 형식은 창섭한테 칭찬한다.
Before the concert, Changsub tells himself that he's worked hard. Sungjae raps. Changsub asks Sungjae "Be honest. You respect me, right?" Sungjae says he doesn't, since Changsub told him to be honest. Changsub asks him if he isn't being too honest. Hyunsik compliments Changsub, which makes him smile.
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